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Expanding Goals of Care Conversations across a Health System: The Mapping the Future Program JPSM Ir
Effects of caregivers and Decedent characteristics on CAHPS Hospice Survey Scores JPSM Ir
The Children’s International Mucositis Evaluation Scale (ChIMES) is valid and reliable for the assessment of mucositis among Brazilian children with cancer JPSM Ir
Palliative care in intensive care units: why, where, what, who, when, how BMC Anesthesiology Ir
The degree of social difficulties experienced by cancer patients and their spouses BMC Palliative Care Ir
Residential aged care residents and components of end of life care in an Australian hospital BMC Palliative Care Ir
Prevalence and characteristics of breakthrough cancer pain in an outpatient clinic in a Catalan teaching hospital: incorporation of the Edmonton Classification System for Cancer pain into the diagnostic algorithm BMC Palliative Care Ir
Introducing PALETTE: an iterative method for conducting a literature search for a review in palliative care BMC Palliative Care Ir
Using co-design to develop an intervention to improve communication about the heart failure trajectory and end-of-life care BMC Palliative Care Ir
Integrated palliative care networks from the perspectives of patients: A cross-sectional explorative study in five European countries Palliative Medicine Ir
Mapping the scope of occupational therapy practice in palliative care: A European Association for Palliative Care cross-sectional survey Palliative Medicine Ir
The facilitators and challenges of dying at home with dementia: A narrative synthesis Palliative Medicine Ir
Patient safety in palliative care: A mixed-methods study of reports to a national database of serious incidents Palliative Medicine Ir
Resilience foy family carers of advanced cancer patients-how can health care providers contribute? A qualitative interview study with carers Palliative Medicine Ir
Clinician-reported changes in octreotide prescribing for malignant bowel obstruction as a result of an adequately powered phase III study: A transnational, online survey Palliative Medicine Ir
Communicating end-of-life care goals and decision-making among a multidisciplinary geriatric inpatient rehabilitation team: A qualitative descriptive study Palliative Medicine Ir
Caregrieving in palliative care: Opportunities to improve bereavement services Palliative Medicine Ir
Dimensión espiritual en cuidados paliativos: función de la dimensión espiritual y religiosa en las motivaciones de conducta hacia sí mismo, interpersonal y social Universidad de Murcia Ir
Association of an Opioid Standard of Practice Intervention With Intravenous Opioid Exposure in Hospitalized Patients JAMA Internal Medicine Ir
Procesos de fin de vida en residencias de ancianos desde la perspectiva de los familiares Medicina Paliativa: nº25 Ir
Malestar emocional de pacientes y familiares en la Unidad de Cuidados Paliativos de un hospital General: estudio piloto Medicina Paliativa: nº25 Ir
Intervenciones psicológicas en espiritualidad en cuidados paliativos: una revisión sistemática Medicina Paliativa: nº25 Ir
Cuidados en los últimos días de vida en los pacientes hospitalizados en medicina interna Revista Clínica Española Ir
Aprendiendo sobre Cuidados Paliativos en África Medicina Paliativa: nº 25 Ir
Will Palliative Care Ever Be Cool? Annals of Surgical Oncology Ir
All with You: a new method for developing compassionate communities-experiences in Spain and Latin-America Annals of Palliative Medicine Ir
Practices, Attitudes, and Beliefs of Palliative Care Physicians Regarding the Use of Methadone and Other Long-Acting Opioids in Children with Advanced Cancer Journal of Palliative Medicine Ir
Engaging Bereaved Families in the Development of a Palliative Care Patient/Family Education Resource Journal of Palliative Medicine Ir
Opioid Dose and Survival of Patients with Incurable Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer: A Prospective Cohort Study Journal of Palliative Medicine Ir
Still Hoping for Miracle: Parents Experiences in Caring for their Child with Cancer Under Palliative Care Indian Journal of Palliative Care Ir
Anticipatory grief and impaired problem solving among surrogate decision makers of critically ill patients: a cross-sectional study Intensive and Critical Care Nursing Ir
Family Caregivers ´ Preparations for Death: A Quialitative Analysis Journal of Pain and Symptom Management Ir
A Palliative Radiation Oncology Consult Service Reduces Total Costs During Hospitalization Journal of Pain and Symptom Management Ir
Characteristics and Outcomes of Psychology Referrals in Palliative Care Department Journal of Pain and Symptom Management Ir
Centenarian´s End-of-Life Thoughts and Plans: Is Their Social Network on the Same Page? Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Ir
Opioid addiction, diversion and abuse in chronic and cancer pain Current opinion in supportive and palliative care Ir
Don´t Shoot the Messenger: Experiences of Delivering Prognostic Information in the Context of Advanced Cancer American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine Ir
Systematic Review for the Quality of End-of-Life Care for Patients With Dementia in the Hospital Setting American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine Ir
"Improvement of refractory peripheral edema with multilayered compression bandaging: a case report" NIH Ir
"Deterioro cognitivo leve en el adulto mayor" SEGG Ir
"Trends of earlier Palliative Care Consultation in advanced cancr patients receiving Palliative radiation therapy" JPMS Ir
"Reframing Global Palliative Care Advocay for the sustainable development goal era: A qualitative study of the views of International palliative care experts" JPMS Ir
"Hyoscine butylbromide for the management of death rattle: sooner rather than later" JPMS Ir
"Characteristics and outcomes of Psychology referrals in a Palliative Care Department" JPMS Ir
Publications in "Ageing and life care" OMS/WHO Ir
The future of end-of-life care The Lancet Ir
Cultural and religious diversity in Hospice and Palliative Care: a Qualitive cross-country comparative analysis of the challenges of health care professionals" SAGE Journals Ir
Palliative Care as an essential component of the HIV care continuum The Lancet HIV Ir
CINCELA 2018. Sesiones Póster Fundación Luzón Ir
CINCELA 2018. Presentaciones Fundación Luzón Ir
“Integrating Family caregivers into Palliative Oncology care using the self-and Family management approach” Oncology nursing Ir
Voices that matter: end-of-life care in two acute hospitals from the perspective of bereaved relatives BMC Palliative Care Ir
Integration of oncology and palliative care The Lancet Oncology Ir
Responder al deseo de adelantar la muerte en pacientes al final de la vida: síntesis de recomendaciones y guías clínicas Medicina Paliativa Ir
Competencia de la enfermera en el proceso de adecuación del esfuerzo terapéutico en las unidades de cuidados intensivos Medicina Paliativa Ir
Palliative care in out-of-hospital medical emergencies and emergency departments Palliative Medicine Ir
Exploring the vagueness of Religion & Spirituality in complex pediatric decision-making: a qualitative study BMC Palliative Care Ir
Attitudes to specialist palliative care and advance care planning in people with COPD: a multi-national survey of palliative and respiratory medicine specialists BMC Palliative Care Ir
Assessing the credibility and transferability of the patient compassion model in non-cancer palliative populations BMC Palliative Care Ir
Access to palliative care for homeless people: complex lives, complex care BMC Palliative Care Ir
Allow natural death versus do-not-resuscitate: titles, information contents, outcomes, and the considerations related to do-not-resuscitate decision BMC Palliative Care Ir
The experience of caring for patients at the end-of-life stage in non-palliative care settings: a qualitative study BMC Palliative Care Ir
Talk CPR - a technology project to improve communication in do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation decisions in palliative illness BMC Palliative Care Ir
An Update on the Basic and Clinical Science of Ketamine Analgesia BMC Palliative Care Ir
The ‘safe death’: An ethnographic study exploring the perspectives of rural palliative care patients and family caregivers Palliative Medicine Ir
Barriers and enablers to deprescribing in people with a life-limiting disease: A systematic review Palliative Medicine Ir
Quality of care for the dying across different levels of palliative care development: A population-based cohort study Palliative Medicine Ir
Does advance care planning in addition to usual care reduce hospitalisation for patients with advanced heart failure: A systematic review and narrative synthesis Palliative Medicine Ir
Ethical challenges in tracheostomy-assisted ventilation in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Journal of Neurology Ir
Use of Palliative Care Earlier in the Disease Course in the Context of the Opioid Epidemic: Educational, Research, and Policy Issues JAMA Internal Medicine Ir
Advance Care Planning and Parent-Reported End-of-Life Outcomes in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults With Complex Chronic Conditions Critical Care Medicine Ir
Ambiguity in End-of-life Care Terminology - What Do We Mean by "Comfort Care?" JAMA Internal Medicine Ir
Patterns of palliative care utilization among patients with end stage liver disease during end-of-life hospitalizations: A population-level analysis Journal of Critical Care Ir
The earlier the better: the role of palliative care consultation on aggressive end of life care, hospice utilization, and advance care planning documentation among gynecologic oncology patients Supportive Care in Cancer Ir
The earlier the better: the role of palliative care consultation on aggressive end of life care, hospice utilization, and advance care planning documentation among gynaecologic oncology patients Supportive Care in Cancer Ir
A Systematic Review of the Processes Underlying the Main and the Buffering Effect of Social Support on the Experience of Pain The Clinical Journal of Pain The Clinical Journal of Pain Ir
Complexity Science and Palliative Care: Drawing from Complex Adaptive Systems Theories to Guide Our Successes Journal of Palliative Medicine Ir
Top Ten Tips Palliative Care Clinicians Should Know About Parkinson ´s Disease and Related Disorders Journal of Palliative Medicine Ir
Mindful Movement: Tai Chi, Gentle Yoga, and Qi Gong for Hospitalized Pediatric Palliative Care Patients and Family Members Journal of Palliative Medicine Ir
Opioid Screening Practices in the Cancer Pain Patient Journal of Palliative Medicine Ir
The Management of Opioid-Induced Nausea and Vomiting in Patients with Cancer: A Systematic Review Journal of Palliative Medicine Ir
Whose Job Is It? Planning for Clinical Palliative Care in a Typical Health System in the United States Journal of Palliative Medicine Ir
Fidelity and feasibility of a brief emercengy department intervention to empower adults with serious illness to initiate advance care planning conversations Journal of Pain Symptom Managemen Ir
Cryotherapy Relieves Pain and Edema After Inguinal Hernioplasty in Males With End-Stage Renal Disease: A Prospective Randomized Study Journal of Pain Symptom Management Ir
Physicians Attitudes Towards Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide in Italy Journal of Pain Symptom Management Ir
Personalized goal for dyspnea and clinical response in advanced cancer patients Journal of Pain Symptom Management Ir
Triggered Palliative Care for Late-stage Dementia: a Pilot Randomized Trial Journal of Pain Symptom Management Ir
A Systematic Review and Gap Analysis of Advance Care Planning Intervention Components and Outcomes Among Cancer Patients Using the Transtheoretical Model of Health Behavior Change Journal of Pain Symptom Management Ir
Triggered Palliative Care for Late-stage Dementia: a Pilot Randomized Trial Journal of Pain Symptom Management Ir
Rectal Administration of Baclofen at the End of Life Journal of Pain Symptom Management Ir
Managing chronic pain in cancer survivors prescribed long-term opioid therapy: a national survey of ambulatory palliative care providers Journal of Pain Symptom Management Ir
Response to “Hyoscine butylbromide for the management of death rattle: sooner rather than later” Journal of Pain Symptom Management Ir
Fan Therapy Is Effective in Relieving Dyspnea in Patients With Terminally Ill Cancer: A Parallel-Arm, Randomized Controlled Trial Journal of Pain Symptom Management Ir
Psychometric Properties of the Multidimensional Sacle of Perceived Social Supporte in Greek Nurses Canadian Journal of Nursing Research Ir
Anticholinergic Burden in Hospice Patients With Dementia American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine Ir
Dying on Hospice in the Midst of an Opioid Crisis: What Should We Do Now? American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine Ir
Exercise as part of routie cancer care The Lancet Oncology Ir
Why talking about dying matters The lancet Ir
Una buena asistencia sanitaria y social aumenta un 30% la esperanza de vida en ELA Infosalus Ir
Una buena asistencia sanitaria y social aumenta un 30% la esperanza de vida en ELA Infosalus Ir
Caregivers for people at end of life in advanced age: knowing, doing and negotiating care Age and Ageing Ir
What Do Chaplains Do: The Views of Palliative Care Physicians, Nurses, and Social Workers Medicina Paliativa Ir
Valor de una herramienta de cribado de una sola pregunta en el despistaje de delirium por parte de enfermería en pacientes con cáncer en un servicio de oncología Medicina Paliativa Ir
Correction to: The prognosis in palliative care study II (PiPS2): study protocol for a multi-centre, prospective, observational, cohort study BMC Palliative Care Ir
'I would describe myself as a deformed troll': Using interpretative phenomenological analysis to explore body image struggles among palliative care patients Palliative Medicine Ir
No evidence that palliative care and euthanasia are compatible Palliative Medicine Ir
Access to palliative care for homeless people: complex lives, complex care BMC Palliative Care Ir
Bereaved parents experiences of research participation BMC Palliative Care Ir
What does it take to deliver brilliant home-based palliative care? Using positive organisational scholarship and video reflexive ethnography to explore the complexities of palliative care at home Palliative Medicine Ir
Health and social care professionals’ experiences of supporting parents and their dependent children during, and following, the death of a parent: A qualitative review and thematic synthesis Palliative Medicine Ir
Systematic fast-track transition from oncological treatment to dyadic specialized palliative home care: DOMUS – a randomized clinical trial Palliative Medicine Ir
The combination of levomepromazine (methotrimeprazine) and rotigotine enables the safe and effective management of refractory nausea and vomiting in a patient with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease Palliative Medicine Ir
Symptom prevalence and quality of life of patients with end-stage liver disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis Palliative Medicine Ir
Pre-emptive prescription of medications for the management of potential, catastrophic events in patients with a terminal illness: A survey of palliative medicine doctors Palliative Medicine Ir
Involvement of palliative care in euthanasia practice: Authors’ reply to Regnard and Proffitt Palliative Medicine Ir
The conceptual models and mechanisms of action that underpin advance care planning for cancer patients: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials Palliative Medicine Ir
Predictors and trajectory of performance status in patients with advanced cancer: A secondary data analysis of the international European Palliative Care Cancer Symptom study Palliative Medicine Ir
Perspectives of people with dementia and carers on advance care planning and end-of-life care: A systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative studies Palliative Medicine Ir
Getting Rid of Stupid Stuff The New England Journal of Medicine Ir
The prognostic and predictive role of hyponatremia in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with bone metastases Supportive Care in Cancer Ir
Nursing Guide to Management of Major Symptoms in Patients with Malignant Glioma Nursing Guide to Management Ir
Do Physicians Underestimate Pain in Terminal Cancer Patients? A Prospective Study in a Hospice Setting The Clinical Journal of Pain Ir
Effects of relaxing therapies on patient’s pain during percutaneous interventional radiology procedures Annals of Palliative Medicine Ir
End-of-Life Care for Patients with Glioma Seminars in Oncology Nursing Ir
What are the main palliative care symptoms and concerns of older people with multimorbidity?—a comparative cross-sectional study using routinely collected Phase of Illness, Australia-modified Karnofsky Performance Status and Integrated Palliative Care Outcome Scale data Annals of Palliative Medicine Ir
Outcome measurement—a scoping review of the literature and future developments in palliative care clinical practice Annals of Palliative Medicine Ir
Questionnaires measuring quality of life and satisfaction of patients and their relatives in a palliative care setting—German translation of FAMCARE-2 and the palliative care subscale of FACIT-Pal Annals of Palliative Medicine Ir
Outcome measurement in paediatric palliative care: lessons from the past and future developments Annals of Palliative Medicine Ir
Perspectives of patients, family caregivers and health professionals on the use of outcome measures in palliative care and lessons for implementation: a multi-method qualitative study Annals of Palliative Medicine Ir
of dyspnea in patients with advanced cancer Annals of Palliative Medicine Ir
Perception of bedside teaching within the palliative care setting— views from patients, students and staff members Annals of Palliative Medicine Ir
The effect of early versus delayed radiation therapy on length of hospital stay in the palliative setting Annals of Palliative Medicine Ir
Development of a tool to identify and assess psychosocial and spiritual needs in end-of-life patients: The ENP-E scale Palliative and Supportive Care Ir
Development and Validation of a Prognostic Tool for Identifying Residents at Increased Risk of Death in Long-Term Care Facilities Journal of Palliative Medicine Ir
Perceptions of Reducing Tube Feeding for Persons with Advanced Dementia among Various Professions in a Teaching Hospital Journal of Palliative Medicine Ir
Breaking Barriers: Prospective Study of a Cohort of Advanced Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients To Describe Their Survival and End-of-Life Palliative Care Requirements Journal of Palliative Medicine Ir
Deathbed Confession: When a Dying Patient Confesses to Murder: Clinical, Ethical, and Legal Implications The Journal of Clinical Ethics Ir
Efficacy of a written prayer technique on the anxiety of mothers of children with cancer Palliative and Supportive Care Ir
Facilitators and Barriers to Interdisciplinary Communication between Providers in Primary Care and Palliative Care Journal of Palliative Medicine Ir
Providers’ Perspectives on Palliative Care in a Neuromedicine-Intensive Care Unit: End-of-Life Expertise and Barriers to Referral Journal of Palliative Medicine Ir
Cohabitation Status Influenced Admittance to Specialized Palliative Care for Cancer Patients: A Nationwide Study from the Danish Palliative Care Database Journal of Palliative Medicine Ir
Lasting Legacy: Maternal Perspectives of Perinatal Palliative Care Journal of Palliative Medicine Ir
End-of-life care: Beliefs, attitudes, and experiences of Iranian physicians Indian Journal of Palliative Care Ir
Respiratory failure, non-invasive ventilation and symptom burden: an observational study Journal of Pain Symptom Management Ir
Provision of Palliative and Hospice Care to Children in the Community: A Population Study of Hospice Nurses Journal of Pain Symptom Management Ir
Ethical Problems in Decision Making in the Neonatal ICU The New England Journal of Medicine Ir
Development and Pilot Testing of a Simulation to Study How Physicians Facilitate Surrogate Decision-Making Based on Critically Ill Patients’ Values and Preferences Journal of Pain Symptom Management Ir
Palliative Care Clinician Overestimation of Survival in Advanced Cancer: Disparities and Association with End-of-Life Care Journal of Pain Symptom Management Ir
A Systematic Review in Support of the National Consensus Project Clinical Practice Guidelines for Quality Palliative Care, Fourth Edition Journal of Pain Symptom Management Ir
The effectiveness of music therapy for terminally ill patients:A meta-analysis and systematic review Journal of Pain Symptom Management Ir
Validity, Reliability and Diagnostic accuracy of the Respiratory Distress Observation Scale for assessment of dyspnea in adult palliative care patients Journal of Pain Symptom Management Ir
Control Conditions That Are Neither Usual Care Nor No Treatment in Randomized Trials of Psychoeducational Palliative Care Interventions: A Systematic Review American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine Ir
Conversación(es) sobre Paliativos RqR Enfermería Comunitaria (Revista de SEAPA) Ir
The Role of Primary Care Physicians in Providing End-of-Life Care American American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine Ir
A Retrospective Chart Review of Transfusion Practices in the Palliative Care Unit Setting American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine Ir
Palliative Care Consultation Trends Among Hospitalized Patients With Advanced Cancer in the United States, 2005 to 2014 American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine Ir
Delirium is common among adults receiving palliative care and could be better recognised NIHR Ir
XIV Jornadas de Duelo (materiales) HUMANIZAR Ir
XIII Jornadas de Familia y Cuidados Palitativos (materiales) HUMANIZAR Ir
Safe death: An ethnographic study exploring the perspectives of rural palliative care patients and family caregivers Palliative Medicina Ir
Primera Persona Obra Social La Caixa Ir
Professionals struggle to connect empathically with parents and their children to prepare and to support children when a parent is dying and afterwards Palliative Medicine Ir
Características de la resiliencia familiar en pacientes oncológicos pediátricos: una revisión sistemática Vol.15 - Psicooncologia Ir
Intervención cognitivo-conductual en cuiados paliativos pediátricos Vol.15 - Psicooncologia Ir
Cuidados de soporte renal y cuidados paliativos: revisión y propuesta en terapia renal sustitutiva MEDES Medicina en Español Ir
Radiotherapy for patients with unresected locally advanced breast cancer Annals of Palliative Medicine Ir
Puntuación en la escala Norton al ingreso y mortalidad en pacientes hospitalizados en Medicina Interna Revista Clínica Española Ir
Impacto de las intervenciones enfermeras en la atención a la cronicidad en España. Revisión sistemática Revista española de Salud Pública Ir
Let’s Stop Claiming that palliative care improves Pallimed Survival Ir
Prognostic MOdels Associated with 6-Month Survival of Patients admitted to Nursing Homes KARGER Ir
Deaths after feeding-tube withdrawal from patients in Vegetative an minimally conscious states: A qualitative Study of family experience Palliative Medicine Ir
Impacto de la cronicidad en la carga de trabajo de la Enfermería Hospitalaria ELSEVIER Ir
“The live experiencia” of palliative care patients in one acute hospital setting: A qualitative anaylisis of pshycian experiences BMC Palliative Care Ir
Los cuidados al final de la vida Gaceta Sanitaria Ir
Elaboración de un cuestionario de conocimiento y actitudes frente final de vida en la población madrileña Gaceta Sanitaria Ir
Cuidados paliativos para pacientes con enfermedad respiratoria crónica Gaceta Sanitaria Ir
test Ir
Decisiones al final de la vida: resultados del cuestionario validado por expertos Gaceta Sanitaria Ir
Grado de conocimiento y actitudes de los profesionales sanitarios sobre el documento de voluntades anticipadas Gaceta Sanitaria Ir
Tipología de los madrileños ante la etapa de final de la vida mediante un análisis de clusters Gaceta Sanitaria Ir
Decisiones para morir en el hospital o en el domicilio: visión de los profesionales Gaceta Sanitaria Ir
La eutanasia: Un derecho del siglo XXI Gaceta Sanitaria Ir
Delirium in adult cáncer patients ESMO Ir
Actitudes de los profesionales de enfermería ante la muerte en población geriátrica. Pensando en paliativo NUMEROS CIENTÍFICA. CIBERINDEX Ir
Physician’s view on advances care planning and end-life care John A. Hartford Fnd Ir
Terminally cáncer patients’ concordance between preferred life-sustaining treatment JPSM Ir
Exploring Canadian pshysician’s experience provinding medical assistance in dyieng JPSM Ir